- A Luta Continúa: About the Exhibition
- Festival of African Arts and Culture (FESTAC)
- ANC Radio Freedom
- Day of Angolan Women
- Free Nelson Mandela
- Jorge Rebelo
- Nelson Mandela: The Struggle Is My Life
- Our History Did Not Begin in Chains
- Sobukwe
- South African Women’s Day
- SWAPO: The People Armed
- Victory to the People of Southern Africa
- Video Tour with Don Rothman, September 2002
This poster commemorates the publication of a collection of writing and speeches by Nelson Mandela that first appeared in 1978 while he was still incarcerated. Initially published by the International Defence and Aid Fund for Southern Africa, on the occasion of Mandelas sixtieth birthday, it was later republished by IDAF in 1986 and more recently in 1990 by both IDAF and Pathfinder Press.