- A Luta Continúa: About the Exhibition
- Festival of African Arts and Culture (FESTAC)
- ANC Radio Freedom
- Day of Angolan Women
- Free Nelson Mandela
- Jorge Rebelo
- Nelson Mandela: The Struggle Is My Life
- Our History Did Not Begin in Chains
- Sobukwe
- South African Women’s Day
- SWAPO: The People Armed
- Victory to the People of Southern Africa
- Video Tour with Don Rothman, September 2002
This poster commemorates the twenty-second anniversary of the August 9, 1956 womens protest against the pass system led by 20,000 ANC Womens League in Pretoria. The vernacular slogan of this multi-ethnic, multi-racial gathering was "Wantintabafazi Wathintimbokodo...uzakufa" meaning, "You have touched the women, you have dislodged a bolder, you will be crushed" or, as it is also often translated, "When you strike the women, you have struck a rock!" This major event has been celebrated annually thereafter, with rallies, symposia and meetings of every kind throughout South Africa. The tradition remains strong today.